In pursuing its corporate objectives, Sailmaker International s.r.l. has always been inspired by the respect for ethical values and laws and regulations in force.
In carrying out its business Sailmaker International s.r.l. has always considered honesty, reliability, impartiality, correctness and good faith as the key factors of its success.
In this context, the absence of an ethical evaluation of one’s actions could lead to potentially inappropriate behavior in contrast with the principles and values adopted and shared by the Company.
For these reasons, Sailmaker International s.r.l. has adopted a Code that clearly and transparently defines both the set of values in which the company operates, and that inspires the actions of anyone working towards their objectives, and the responsibilities that anyone assumes whenever a decision must be taken, both internally and externally to the Company.
The Company’s work is constantly aimed at respecting not only the legitimate interests of our stakeholders but also the entire community with which we interact (customers, suppliers, employees, public administration, the environment and its natural resources).
The Code is the constituent element of the business ethics system and is therefore the charter of fundamental rights and duties: it is a guarantee and reliability tool to protect the asset and the reputation of Sailmaker International s.r.l. together with regulations, procedures, guidelines and related compliance. The recipients of the Code must act in compliance with its principles for the proper functioning, reliability and reputation of the Company itself and its employees. As part of their functions and responsibilities, anyone who collaborates in carrying out the Company’s activities is required to undertake the principles of the Code and to comply with them by fully respecting the company rules. Sailmaker International s.r.l. is committed to ensure maximum disclosure of the Code, trusting in sharing with the interested parties, the values and principles contained therein with a view to consent rather than obedience and is committed to provide adequate spreading of information regarding its contents.

Gianlorenzo Fiorenzi
CEO Sailmaker International S.r.l.

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